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Config for VLAN Tags required? - XS4ALL with Draytek Vigor 167
I have just received a Draytek Vigor 167 from dealer. The V167 is apparently a replacement for the existing V165 model in Draytek's range. No info available thus far in user manuals etc which indicates the daylight between 165 and 167.

I want to configure this unit to act as a Bridge, so eliminating existing "Double NATting".
Some instructions I have seen for doing this configuration mention that certain settings are required if the ISP has set up the service so that it requires "VLAN tags".

Does XS4ALL's regular service require VLAN configs?

This info is not on XS4ALL's page for "configuring your own modem"

However I called the technical help and was provided this info:-

* For service VDSL2 you need to configure VLAN Tag=6 for Internet
* Different value should be used for TV (VLAN Tag=4)
* Plus another service (sorry did not record its name), VLAN Tag=7
Later Draytek models have places where you can configure both:-
  • "Service" VLAN tags, and its priority (1-7)
  • "Customer" VLAN tag, with its priority (1-7)

This page on Draytek's knowledge base explains the difference between the two types of VLAN Tags - it seems that under some circumstances both options will work.

Draytek KB Page "Customer Tag and Service Tag"
OK. The path to transcendent nirvana continues, and more has been revealed.

I finally got the Draytek Vigor 167 working as a DSL modem, so connecting my pfSense box directly to the XS4ALL internet service. pfSense now shows the XS4ALL supplied IP address on the WAN port - previously it did not do so (it used to show an IP address generated by the FritzBox). My setup previously did "double NATting" - but that no longer the case. (So success, getting rid of double NATting was my main objective in buying the DV167).

Some more information about VLAN Tags, settings, flavours etc. With a working system it was easy enough to run some tests to compare how certain configurations checked out.

In the DV167 there are two places within the WAN configuration in which VLAN tags can be set up, the 'Service VLAN' and the 'Customer VLAN' - you can configure zero, one or two in fact. See the screen shot showing the WAN configured with Service VLAN set for VLAN Tag=6, and the Customer VLAN not set.

Doing the tests I checked if it was working by observing
  • whether the DV167 connected the DSL line (and indicated "Showtime" on its dashboard)
  • and if data is being transferred - by checking 'Traffice Graphs' widget on the pfSense dashboard

I tried all four possibilities wrt VLAN setting: none, one, the other and both. In brief
  • If you configure either Service or Customer it works
  • But if you configure Neither or Both - it does not work.

If anyone has a deeper understanding of how the two types of VLAN tags work, please enlighten us all. It may be of more significance if both regular data and TV data is on same link, with TV traffice getting a different VLAN number (TV VLAN=4 for XS4ALL).

Note that when it FAILS, the symptom is that "no data is transferred". However in this situation the DSL line achieves Synch and DV167 Dashboard sets status = "Showtime" - but despite no data transfer.

SeqService VLANCustomer VLANResult
#1 Smile Set to VLAN=6Not setIt WORKS
#2 Smile Not setSet to VLAN=6It WORKS
#3 Not setNot setFAILS
#4 Set to VLAN=6Set to VLAN=6FAILS
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Finally talked to someone (from CallVOIP of Groningen) who explained the differerence between Service and Customer VLAN tags.

They explained as follows...

About the tags:
  • the SERVICE tag is for the provider service, so the VLAN Tag 6 6 is required for the VDSL service provided by from the KPN/XS4ALL.
  • And the CUSTOMER tag is for the internal network on your own side of the box.
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